Super Mario Galaxy Object Database

Objects | Configs | Occurrences

Config: RailMoveObjClipParts

A path-moving map object with a model and optional collision that can be clipped in a Matter Splatter setup. It can also rotate along its own axes. It can use optional sound effects whose names are self-explanatory: RailMoverStop, RailMoverWaitStart, RailMoverWaitStartMove, RailMoverRestartAtEnd, RailMoverWaiting, RailMoverMoveStart, RailMoverMoveLoop, RailMoverSignStart, RailMoverSignLoop, RailMoverStopAtPoint, RailMoverStopAtPointAfter, RailMoverStopAtPointLoop, RailMoverStopAtEnd, RailMoverStopAtEndAfter, RailMoverStopAtEndLoop, RailMoverStopAtEndWithPlayerOn, RotatorRotateStart, RotatorRotateLoop, RotatorStopAtEnd, RotatorStopAtEndLoop, RotatorRotateSignStart, and RotatorRotateSignLoop. Furthermore, it also supports the optional animation RailMoveSign that would be used when SignMotionType is set to a value representing the shaking behavior.



Pose Type: The object's pose while moving on the path.

  • -1: Retains initial rotation
  • 1: Rotation affected by normal gravity (front is rough path direction, up is negated gravity)
  • 2: Rotation affected by normal gravity (front is path direction, up is rough negated gravity)
  • 3: Rotation affected by shadow gravity (front is rough path direction, up is negated gravity)

Movement Type: How the object behaves once it reaches the last path point.

  • -1: Stops at last point
  • 1: Moves back towards first point
  • 2: Warps back to first point

Indicator Dots Type: Specifies whether the orange indicator dots should be used and how they are displayed.

  • -1: Don't use indicator dots
  • 1: Draw dots on path
  • 2: Draw dots but disappear one by one when passed by
  • 3: Use bigger dots for path points

Initial Position Type: The object's initial position.

  • -1: Start at nearest position on path
  • 1: Start at nearest path point
  • 2: Start at first path point

Snapping Speed: If used, the object stays at its original position and moves to its actual position on the path. This setting specifies how fast the object snaps back into its original position. The higher the value is, the slower it moves.


    Movement Speed / Time: The movement speed the object has starting from this point. If Point_arg7 is set to 1, this specifies the time in frames it takes to reach the next point.


      Acceleration Time: The time in frames it takes for the object to reach the movement speed set at this point.


        Stop Time: The time in frames the object waits at this point before it continues moving again.


          Speed Type: Decides whether Point_arg0 specifies the movement speed or the time it takes to reach the next point.

          • -1: Point_arg0 specifies movement speed
          • 1: Point_arg0 specifies time until next point

          MapParts arguments


          Rotation Speed / Time: How fast the object rotates. If RotateAccelType is set to 2, this specifies the time in frames it takes to rotate to the specified angle.


            Rotation Angle: How many degrees it rotates. If RotateAccelType is not 2, 0 equals 360 which means it will rotate indefinitely.


              Rotation Axis: The object's axis to rotate around.

              • 0: X-axis
              • 1: Y-axis
              • 2: Z-axis

              Rotation Speed Type: Decides whether RotateSpeed specifies the rotation speed, acceleration, or the time it takes to rotate to the specified angle.

              • -1: RotateSpeed specifies fixed rotation speed
              • 1: RotateSpeed specifies maximum rotation speed
              • 2: RotateSpeed specifies time until desired angle

              Restart Delay: The time in frames it takes to restart rotation after stopping.


                Rotation Type: Specifies how the object should continue rotating after reaching the targeted angle.

                • 0: Stop rotating completely
                • 1: Rotates again in opposite direction
                • 2: Rotates again in same direction

                Shake Start Type: Specifies whether the object will shake before it starts moving or not.

                • 0: Don't shake
                • 1: Shakes before moving
                • 2: Shakes before moving
                • 3: Don't shake
                • 4: Shakes before moving
                • 5: Shakes before moving



                Appears when this switch is activated.


                Can be activated when the object is killed through a cutscene action.


                If used, the collision will be enabled if and only if this switch is activated.


                If used, the object will move only while this switch is activated.


                The rotation speed is adjusted with ParamScale while this switch is activated.


                Enables rendering and resumes updates when this switch is active.



                The path that it moves on.


                  Can take part in a cutscene.


                    Can follow another BaseMtxFollowTarget object.